Sunday, August 23, 2009

Collecting your antique prints

Collecting your antique prints..
Collecting antiques is not a hobby for only the wealthy. It's evident from attending auctions and antique fairs, that people of all ages and from all walks of life love antiques. Antique prints and maps can cost as little as $30 – or as much as $30,000. It's not necessary to spend a large amount of money to buy something of value that you can treasure. If you spend some time you will find something that will give you years of enjoyment. The artwork on your wall, if chosen carefully, could be enjoyed in your rented flat and then taken with you if you make that commitment to a more expensive abode in years to come. Framed well, they look good with both traditional and modern architecture.
Collecting antique maps and prints can be addictive. After all, once you find out more about an individual item, and appreciate the finer detail of its creation and its rarity as an original print, you will want to search for others to love. Antique maps have a more obvious historical value as the country, state and town names, delineated borders, and coastlines changed over the years. Someone who “gets the bug” of collecting antique maps is said to have acquired “Map Pox”.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is our first blog

Antique Print Club aims to share information about antique maps and prints with enthusiasts and collectors around the world.

We realise the largest portion of our customers cannot visit our gallery in Brisbane, Australia, so we are unable to meet with you and impart our enthusiasm about the wonders of antique maps and prints.

We try to do a blog each time we have a 'major' exhibition in our gallery; but we are also continually writing articles for publication in magazines and newspapers, and adding to our ever-extending 'Reference Library'  on our website 

We hope you find something you would like from our website. If we can give you more information about any of our maps or prints, please just ask. We look forward to hearing from you.