Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grand Re-opening Exhibition

Our Camford Square gallery at Milton in Brisbane has been totally restored and is looking fabulous! We celebrate our re-opening with a Double Exhibition.. Fascinating and important maps showing Australia from as early as the 16th century, and a wonderful collection of charming Gazette du Bon Ton 1920s fashion studies.

Choose from nearly 100 different Gazette du Bon Ton pochoir (stencil) fashion plates, circa 1913-1925. Some of them Derek and I have not seen before, which is always exiting for us. As well as the expressive 'fashion narratives' of 24 x 19cm, we offer many double-size plates showing groups of people in the latest fashion designs and how and where they should be worn(!), the only triple-size plate from the series (24 x 56cm and really beautiful!), - and a wonderful series of pochoir "Croquis" (sketches) of ladies in the latest fashions, without a background setting.

The second exhibition is of rare maps showing the early knowledge (or lack of knowledge) of Australia.
We are lucky in Australia! As our east coast was one of the last coastlines discovered, the guesswork by people in Europe provided many strange shapes and names in the maps over the preceding years. We are including our own collection of early Australian maps so that you will have a good choice. The earliest map is from circa 1597 when Australia was simply shown as the Terra Australis Incognita (Unknown Southern Land) extending from the South Pole - supporting the theory of a great land mass at the South Pole to prevent the world, being a globe, tipping up!

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